VineSpring 3-Minute Challenge: Allocations Part I

VineSpring co-founder, Chris Towt, and I are back with another 3-Minute Challenge and this time we are explaining allocations and how you can use VineSpring tools to manage them.

Clubs vs. allocations; what’s the difference?

VineSpring treats clubs and allocations as two different sections within the platform. A club is a membership where participants have paid for and agree to automatic shipments over a specific time period. Clubs don’t require customers to take part in any further engagement with the winery after the membership is purchased.

Allocations are offerings to customers to participate in special one-off purchases. Customers are able to come in at any time and select what they want and purchase. While clubs don’t require customer interaction, allocations are built around customer interaction.

Custom clubs are a combination of clubs and allocations. While the members have agreed to a certain amount of bottles and shipments, they are given the option to customize their orders. It’s still an automatic shipment, but the contents of that shipment can vary depending on what the member chooses to customize.

Allocations are a wonderful way to add benefits to a club. While club members might get a few automated shipments per year, wineries can allocate a special release to club members only and give them the option to purchase before anyone else.

Let us show you how it works!

We show you where you can find allocations in the VineSpring platform and give an example of how to set them up. Separate allocations into tiers, set timing parameters, allot specific product allocations, and establish wish lists. Watch the video below to see how it’s done.


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If you have more questions about how you can use allocations to grow your business, contact us!