Weekly Roundup | DTC eCommerce Puts Power in the Hands of the Craft Producer

In this week’s roundup, gain insight into what millennials are drinking and see how a winery successfully scaled by using a new approach to DTC marketing. VineSpring shares an overview of DTC compliance options for craft producers. Read reports on what trends wineries and retailers are seeing and responding to.

Value-Driven Millennials Have Abandoned Classic Wines, But They Could Be Their Saviors

If you’re looking to capture the millennial market, you’re not going to easily win them over with classic wines. But, just as the generations before them eventually shifted into the wine market, millennials are poised to overtake fine-wine buying by 2027. You don’t need to wait that long—get insight into what millennials are looking for now.

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The Little Urban Winery That Rocked the Big Wine World

While many wineries build up their DTC sales with exclusive members events, the founders of Division Winemaking Company took the opposite approach by launching worldwide campaigns to promote the competition. See how their “rising tide lifts all boats” philosophy has brought them success and notoriety.

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Compliance Options for Craft Producers

The events of the last year have given rise to embracing all things digital, especially online shopping. If craft producers want to create and maintain a compliant DTC program and sell online, they need to look at compliance as an ongoing process and find a solution that meets their needs.

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The Future of Retail Belongs to Local Businesses

Consumers want connection and convenience more than ever before. Local retailers are taking steps to meet those needs and rethinking what the shopping experience should look like. To help retailers define success, Square partnered with Wakefield Research to see how 500 retail managers and owners and 1,000 consumers are moving ahead in creative ways. Get the report.

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New Research: 2021 Wine Industry Trends

Even though most of the wine sales in the US come from the top commercial producers, the vast majority of the 11,053 wineries produce fewer than 5,000 cases per year. Ekos decided to survey those winery owners directly to get their views on what’s coming next, how to fuel growth, and recruit the next generation of wine drinkers.

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