Weekly Roundup | What Do Younger Generations Want From Craft Producers?

Welcome to October! In this edition of the VineSpring weekly roundup, wine sales are on the rise and younger generations are responsible for driving the sparkling wine category. Learn about the different options for building a perfect DTC storefront. Alabama is now open to DTC wine shipping but there’s a holdup with the application process. Lastly, beer industry experts weigh in on the best ways to market to Generation Z. 

US Wine Sales Looking Up

Evaluating wine industry statistics has been extra challenging in 2021 with 2020 being such an unusual year. But it does appear that Americans are drinking more than ever, French rosés are back, and older generations continue to be a vital demographic in wine.

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Millennials Drive the Sparkling Wine Category

Drinking sparkling wine usually indicates a celebration of togetherness. It’s no surprise that sparkling wine took a dip when COVID-19 was first on the rise. The latest Wine Intelligence research indicates that urban affluent consumers under the age of 45 are the ones bringing sparkling back.

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Building the Perfect DTC Storefront

eCommerce stores have many moving parts. There are different categories, product pages, a checkout process, order tracking, and more. What is the best way to build shopping into your website? Read this article to review the options and see what's right for your business. 

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Alabama’s New DTC Application Process is a Doozy

Starting August 1st, 2021, Alabama authorized wineries to ship directly to consumers. While this is exciting news, the application and checklist of required items have already seen multiple updates. Many wineries are waiting until the dust settles before they dive in.

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Brew Talks: Generation Z Cares More About What You Do, Than Who You Are

The oldest members of Generation Z have been of drinking age for a few years. Gen Z has grown up with the internet in their pockets and doesn’t respond to traditional marketing tactics. This video showcases a panel of experts at the Craft Brewers Conference to discuss which marketing strategies do and don’t work. 

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Susan Evans